Ice Cream Social
to Jun 21

Ice Cream Social

Join the Friends of the Canton Library for an old-fashioned Ice Cream Social to kick off Pratt's Summer Break Baltimore. All ages---kids and adults---can sign up for the citywide summer reading program and enjoy a cold treat!

This event is part of Summer Break Baltimore, a fun, free program for all ages that encourages literacy and learning in our community.

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Meet The Author E. Evans Paull "Stop the Road"
6:30 PM18:30

Meet The Author E. Evans Paull "Stop the Road"

Baltimore-based author E. Evans Paull will provide an up-close-and-personal account of Baltimore's epic 40-year battle over expressway plans. Meet the unsung heroes, which include neighborhood activists, preservationists, and environmentalists who protected Baltimore's historic waterfront communities of Federal Hill, Fell's Point, and Canton. 

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Plants and Trees 101
10:30 AM10:30

Plants and Trees 101

Planting for a beautiful, healthy neighborhood.  Learn the importance of planting perennials that are suited to our environment.  Lovely planted tree pits not only serve as pollinator/butterfly waystations, but they help with rain runoff and the health of the Chesapeake Bay.  Perennials will be given away to attendees as supply lasts..

 Presenter: Leanna Wetmore is the Director of Events and Programs at the Waterfront Partnership of Baltimore and is a Maryland Master Gardener. She works on the Healthy Harbor Initiative’s goal of a swimmable fishable harbor, and has facilitated hundreds of neighborhood greening projects to reduce polluted storm water runoff and increase the use of native plants. Whether a small tree pit or a big yard, Leanna can help you make a difference by planting the right plants in the right place to contribute to a healthy community, watershed, and ecosystem

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Soil 101 - The Dirt on Soil
10:30 AM10:30

Soil 101 - The Dirt on Soil

Good soil is the key to successful gardening. Learn how to make, amend, and care for the soil in an eco-friendly way. Healthy soil will best support growing plants.


Debbie Swartz grew up in New England where she spent a lot of her time in the natural world.  She has been a Baltimore City Master Gardener for 21 years and chair of the BayWise committee. Debbie is certified to teach environmentally sustainable practices and writes educational material for UME.  Her garden is a demonstration garden for BayWise and for Audubon.  If she is going to plant something, it has to feed someone, either wildlife or people!

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Seed 101 - Selection, Sowing, Harvesting ,Sharing
10:30 AM10:30

Seed 101 - Selection, Sowing, Harvesting ,Sharing

Seeds 101 - Selection, Sowing, Harvesting, Saving, and Sharing.  Learn the basics of growing plants from seed. Tips and tricks to make this a success in your garden. The neighborhood seed saving and sharing collection program will be introduced. Seedlings will be given away.


Amanda Colianni is an avid gardener and a member of the Canton Community Association Sustainability Committee. Amanda created the neighborhood the seed saving and sharing collection hosted at the Canton Library. 

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